The purpose of the upcoming workshop is to highlight the importance of Human Rights and especially the European Convention on Human Rights for an efficient and responsible market economy. The dates will be made as soon as the scope and timing of upcoming workshop have been fixed.
The market economy and its sustainability depend heavily on how political tensions, investment risks, social, environmental and climate challenges, and now also threats of war, are managed. Over the years, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Council of Europe’s Social Charter have, in close interaction with the EU, made crucial contributions to creating a secure investment climate, a dynamic and a responsible economy based on a “level playing field”. The new challenges following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the new move to enhance the EU’s enlargement stress the importance of upholding the rights and freedoms upon which Europe’s democratic, economic and social and environmental development have been built. This was also recently stressed at the Council of Europe Summit in Reykjavik, Iceland.
In this vein the European Court of Human Rights has ruled on thousands of cases filed by individuals, companies and banks on various issues relevant to the maintenance of a sustainable economy. Cases have gone both into substance and procedure. They have dealt with such issues as the reasonableness of market regulations in areas such as housing, schoolbook production and finance and the fairness of takings of property and taxation. Many social and environmental issues have also been addressed as has freedom of expression in economic contexts and access to justice and effective dispute resolution. In many areas there have been important interactions between the requirements of the Convention and those of the Social Charter and the practice of the Committee for Social Rights allowing them jointly to make an important contribution to the implementation of the United Nations guiding principles on Business and Human Rights. The above also highlights the links between the Council of Europe’s human rights protection and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental and Social Governance (ESG).
In particular, the aim is to highlight the practical implications of these developments for lawyers, accountants, legal and financial advisers and business managers. It is worth mentioning that the course can lead to the Council of Europe diploma “Business and Human Rights”.
The Workshop will be set as an educational space for interactive, engaging learning, and discussion. High level personalities will help to understand the Council of Europe’s role in the present European context. Workshops will be led by researchers and practitioners, including experts from the Council of Europe. The workshop will be introduced by Björn Berge, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Participation at distance (through video conference/zoom) is also accepted.
Fees are still under consideration, but will turn around 500 SEK for students and 3.000 for professionals (50% in case of online participation).
For preliminary inscription (with preliminary requests for hotel booking) and further details, send an e-mail to the recruitment team ioirsth@gmail.com before 30 of September.